The Emotional Rollercoaster of a Toddler Who Can’t Quite Talk Yet


So Many Emotions

Life with a toddler is a journey. Life with a toddler who can’t fully talk yet? That’s an adventure. Every day is a rollercoaster of emotions, from pure joy to absolute devastation, often over things I don’t fully understand. We communicate in a mix of words, gestures, and dramatic facial expressions, and sometimes, I swear, I’m just guessing.

The Purest Joy

There’s nothing like the happiness of a toddler. When something makes sense in their world—when they get their favorite snack, when they find a tiny rock that is suddenly their most prized possession, or when they see a dog on a walk—they light up in a way that makes everything worth it. Arms in the air, squeals, clapping—happiness, in its purest form. And in these moments, I think, Wow, this is the best stage ever.

Frustration in Its Truest Form

And then… the rock falls out of their hand. Or I peel the banana wrong. Or I don’t understand the very specific thing they’re trying to tell me with a grunt and a pointing finger. And just like that, the joy is gone. The wails begin, the legs give out, and suddenly, I’m dealing with a toddler lying face-down on the floor, furious at the unfairness of life.

I try to guess—“This?” No. “This?” No. “Buddy, I really don’t know what you want.” NOOOOO. And now we’re both frustrated.

The “I Do It” Phase, Without the Words

Toddlers want independence. Desperately. Even without words, they make it very clear that they are in charge of their own tiny world. If I dare try to put on his shoes? No. If I attempt to feed him with a spoon? Absolutely not. If I try to buckle him into his car seat? Prepare for battle.

Everything takes twice as long, but I know these little victories mean everything to him. So, I let him try. And then I secretly help when he’s not looking.

The Meltdowns Over Things I’ll Never Understand

There are tantrums, and then there are mystery tantrums. The kind where my toddler is sobbing, furious, and I have zero idea why. Maybe he wanted me to open the door, but he also wanted to open it himself. Maybe he thought we were going outside, but I was just grabbing the mail. Maybe he just remembered something upsetting from three hours ago.

I hold him, rock him, and wait it out because, honestly, there’s no solving a mystery tantrum. We just have to feel it together.

The Love That Fixes Everything

Then, just when I’m drained, just when I’ve had enough of the guessing games and the meltdowns, he does something that melts me. He toddles over, lays his head on my chest, and wraps his little arms around me. No words needed. Just warmth, love, and the unspoken understanding that, no matter how wild this stage is, I am his safe place.

And in that moment, I know—I wouldn’t trade this rollercoaster for anything.

Tell me—what’s the most dramatic (or funniest) mood swing your toddler has had? Because I know I’m not alone in this!